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Skydive Utah runs a regularly scheduled canopy course for the B license progression. If you want a B license, this is required. If you already have a B license but wanna get your learn on, that's totally fine as well. Course minimum is 4 jumpers and max is 6.

Cost: $200 + 5 hop n pop slots

Prerequisites: Review SIM sections 6-10 and 6-11

Who: Jumpers looking to get their B-License; Be cleared for solo (not licensed yet, but off of AFF) and have completed your 2 required hop-n-pops; Anyone who wants to improve their landings

What: Basic canopy course to fulfill the B-license canopy requirements

When: Course dates will be posted on our calendar and Skydive Utah Licensed Jumpers Facebook group. Scheduled classes will also show on the B License Canopy Course booking tab.

Course Overview:

  • Group discussion about canopy flight and theory

  • Canopy drills to practice what may one day save your life or limbs

  • Filmed landings and thorough debrief

  • New friends to jump with

  • Resources to utilize throughout your canopy piloting career