Videos — Skydive Utah - Salt Lake City's Skydive Center

Staff Day 2021. Skydive Utah opened on a day off and invited all of the staff to come jump for free all day. It was so much fun, we can’t wait to do it again in 2022!

A fun weekend in 2021!

Here’s a quick look at what it’s like to learn to skydive solo at Skydive Utah.

Check out the process of a tandem skydive with us! This will give you an idea of what your first jump will look like.

March 2019 recap

Local jumper Miles Mortensen put together a sweet edit of some of his jumps at the DZ.

The first ever Shred the Gnar Boogie at Skydive Utah happened July 28-30, 2017. The event turned out awesome and we can't wait to do it again even better for 2018! It was hard to fit all the good times into 1 edit, but we did our best. If you missed it, we better see you out here this year!

Skydive Utah athlete Marshall Miller shows off the stability of the new GoPro Karma Grip accessory. We love the views up here!

Hamish and Dallas Brissett (@ruckus_mayhem)

Once again, Hamish and Dallas showing off some XRW, freeflying, and good times in 2016!

Hamish and Dallas Brissett (@ruckus_mayhem) 

Check out these guys showcasing a lot of fun and great flying in our skies.

Recap of 2015

Weekend Voyagers came out to skydive with us, and captured the whole experience of making a tandem jump.

2014 part 2

2014 part 1

A Day in the Life of a King (Air)

This video was made by one of our pilots in 2013. It is a cool view of the dropzone from a pilot's perspective.

2013 part 2

2013 part 1