The wingsuit First Flight Course (FFC) is a one-on-one course with Jake Price. It will take you through your first several wingsuit jumps including discussion on the ground about all things wingsuiting. This course focuses on stable flight, flying a pattern, and proper deployment techniques while wingsuiting.

Requirements to take the FFC

  • A minimum of 200 skydives (USPA requirement)

  • A docile main parachute, ideally a 7-cell, loaded at no more than 1.3:1

  • Pilot chute in excellent condition, at least 28 in. in diameter with a lightweight handle.  We recommend the Squirrel SkySnatch (sold in Skydive Utah’s gear store)

  • A bridle between 8 and 9 ft. in length (measured from pin to pilot chute)

  • Visual hand or chest mount altimeter and audible altimeter

  • RSL

  • AAD

What you get from the FFC

  • Learn to fly a stable and efficient wingsuit

  • Proper deployment procedures

  • Post deployment procedures

  • Different ways to exit an aircraft safely

  • Basic maneuvers of relative work

  • Emergency procedures

  • How to communicate with the pilot and manifest

  • Navigation and airspace

  • Basic aerodynamics of wingsuit flight

  • How a wingsuit works

Requirements for completion

  • Minimum of 4 jumps

  • Safe exit

  • Stable and controlled flight

  • Fly a pattern

  • Stable and controlled deployment

  • Land on the DZ


  • $300/day + slots

  • Wingsuit rental ($20 per day)

Wingsuit rentals


To schedule the course, or for any questions, contact Jake Price.

You can find him at the DZ or text or call: (385)231-7152